Could not create simulation archive directory

I migrated our Jenkins job over to a single-node Jenkins server setup on Ubuntu so that we can use the Jenkins Gatling Plugin. I got this error which I had gotten previously on a more advanced Jenkins setup involving multiple nodes, so wondering what else might be wrong. The particular area of the plugin code where it fails here is the Java mkdirs() call returning false, meaning it fails to make all the dirs.


Adding report 'noservicesimulation-20200505223821225'
Adding report 'noservicesimulation-20200508235241220'
Adding report 'noservicesimulation-20200505223821225'
Adding report 'noservicesimulation-20200508235241220'
Adding report 'noservicesimulation-20200508235241220'

No idea. I actually don’t. I copy the results folder to the project root where the plugin expects them and then call gatlingArchive(). I’m not sure why it runs into duplicates. From a file system perspective duplicates are impossible. From a plug-in perspective how is it possible?

You do have duplicates from the plugin’s perspective: directories with the same name, not the same path.
The plugin searches recursively from the workspace root.