How to execute the first request only once?

As the name suggests: “active users” are the count of users that are active (started but not ended) during the second.

The active users count depends on your injection profile (how many are started) but also on your scenario(s), as a user may take time to end (several requests and/or pauses, etc.).

So even if there are only up to 4 users on the “active users” curve, this is because each second, a new user is created and stopped after he’s done doing his requests ?

In your case, it seems so, yes!

Let’s say the active users curve’s value is constantly 2 during 15 seconds => does it mean that 2 x 15s = 30 different users/threads are created during the test ?

Only with the “active users” curve, we cannot affirm such things.

For instance:

  • 2 users injected once, but their scenario lasts more than 15 seconds.
  • 1 user with a scenario that lasts more than 15 seconds, and another injection of 15 users (each second) for a scenario less than a second.
  • 2 users injected each second and the (common) scenario lasts less than a second

For each different case, the “active users” graph will show the same thing: constantly 2 during 15 seconds.

