Initialization Index page and Web Socket Open gives an Error

When I’m initializing(POST INDEX PAGE) my index page, it is giving me the following error.

KO bodyString.find.transform.exists failed, could not extract: transform crashed: Unexpected character (‘2’ (code 50)): was expecting comma to separate OBJECT entries


    .exec(http("POST INDEX PAGE")
//      .headers(Map("Content-Type" -> "application/json; charset=UTF-8"))
      .formParam("theme", "mytheme")
      .formParam("v-appId", appver)
      .formParam("v-sh", "1200")
      .formParam("v-sw", "1920")
      .formParam("v-cw", "147")
      .formParam("v-ch", "1047")
      .formParam("v-curdate", "1470999686031")
      .formParam("v-tzo", "-330")
      .formParam("v-dstd", "0")
      .formParam("v-rtzo", "-330")
      .formParam("v-dston", "false")
      .formParam("v-vw", "147")
      .formParam("v-vh", "0")
      .formParam("v-loc", baseurl + "/")
      .formParam("v-wn", appver + "-0.7179318188297512")
    ).pause(1 seconds)


val httpChecker = bodyString.transform {
  (resp, session) =>
  val state = new VaadinState;
    println("\n resp :"+resp+"\n")
    println("\n session :"+session+"\n")
    println("Started user " + session.get("userName").as[String] + " " + session.get("password").as[String]);
  state.userName = session.get("userName").as[String];
  HttpRequestCreator.userStates += (session.get("userName").as[String] -> state);

  //Find and store jsessionId
  val url = new URL( new AppConfig().getBaseURL() );
  val jsessionCookie = session("gatling.http.cookies").as[CookieJar].get(Uri.create( url.getProtocol+"://" + url.getHost+url.getPath+"/")).find(_.getName == "JSESSIONID");
  state.jsessionid = jsessionCookie.getOrElse(null).getValue;
    println("\n jsession id"+state.jsessionid+"\n")
    println("\n resp :"+resp+ "\n")

After that I’ve tried without posting those parameters. Then the sync id of the response is giving -1 even though it says web socket is open.