Publishing the message into JMS Queue and check the value against Database

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Hi I am using gatling JMS to publish message into queue.
After successful trigger, the message persisted into local DB.

Now, I want to check that the message really persisted into DB or not using assertions.
I mean the value which I am sending is really persisted in DB?

Please check the below simulation.

class MessageSimulation extends Simulation {

 before {
 println(" ========= Starting JMSSimulation ========= ");
 println(s"AMQ Server: ${JMSConfig.amqServer}")
 println(s"AMQ Usr: ${JMSConfig.amqUsr}")
 println(s"AMQ Pwd: ${JMSConfig.amqPwd}")
 println(s"In Queue: ${JMSConfig.inQueueName}")
 configureFor(LoadTestHelper.getMockHost(), 8080)
 println("Setup Complete")

 var jmsPostScenario = MessageScenario;


**My Simulation is below**