######################### # Gatling Configuration # ######################### # This file contains all the settings configurable for Gatling with their default values gatling { core { #outputDirectoryBaseName = "" #runDescription = "" #encoding = "utf-8" # encoding for every file manipulation made in gatling #simulationClass = "" disableCompiler = true # set to true to pass a simulationClass to be loaded directly from classpath #mute = false extract { regex { #cache = true } xpath { #cache = true } jsonPath { #cache = true jackson { #allowComments = false #allowUnquotedFieldNames = false #allowSingleQuotes = false } } css { #cache = true } } timeOut { #simulation = 8640000 # in s } directory { #data = user-files/data #requestBodies = user-files/request-bodies #simulations = user-files/simulations #reportsOnly = "" binaries = target/classes #results = results } zinc { #jvmArgs = "-Xss10M" } } charting { #noReports = false #statsTsvSeparator = "\t" #maxPlotPerSeries = 1000 #accuracy = 10 # in ms indicators { #lowerBound = 800 # in ms #higherBound = 1200 # in ms #percentile1 = 95 # in percents #percentile2 = 99 # in percents } } http { #cacheELFileBodies = true # cache request body EL templates #cacheRawFileBodies = false # cache request body Raw templates #warmUpUrl = "http://goo.gl/xUrsE" # URL used to warmUp the HTTP stack (blank means disabled) ssl { trustStore { #type = "" #file = "" #password = "" #algorithm = "" } keyStore { #type = "" #file = "" #password = "" #algorithm = "" } } ahc { #allowPoolingConnection = true # allow pooling HTTP connections (keep-alive header automatically added) #allowSslConnectionPool = true # allow pooling HTTPS connections (keep-alive header automatically added) #compressionEnabled = true # support gzipped responses #connectionTimeout = 60000 # timeout when establishing a connection #idleConnectionInPoolTimeoutInMs = 60000 # timeout when a connection stays unused in the pool #idleConnectionTimeoutInMs = 60000 # timeout when a used connection stays idle #maxConnectionLifeTimeInMs = -1 # max duration a connection can stay open #ioThreadMultiplier = 2 # number of Netty worker threads per core #maximumConnectionsPerHost = -1 # max number of connections per host (-1 means no limit) #maximumConnectionsTotal = -1 # max number of connections (-1 means no limit) #maxRetry = 4 # number of times that a request should be tried again #requestTimeoutInMs = 60000 # timeout of the requests #useProxyProperties = false # support standard Proxy System properties #useRawUrl = false # use raw url instead of de-encoding them #webSocketIdleTimeoutInMs = 60000 # timeout when a used websocket connection stays idle #useRelativeURIsWithSSLProxies = true # if relative uris should be used when talking with an SSL proxy } } data { #writers = "console, file" #reader = file console { #light = false # display a light version without detailed request stats } file { #bufferSize: 8192 } jdbc { db { #url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/temp" #username = "root" #password = "123123q" } #bufferSize = 20 create { #createRunRecordTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `RunRecords` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `runDate` DATETIME NULL , `simulationId` VARCHAR(45) NULL , `runDescription` VARCHAR(45) NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )" #createRequestRecordTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `RequestRecords` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `runId` int DEFAULT NULL, `scenario` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` VARCHAR(20) NULL, `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `requestStartDate` bigint DEFAULT NULL, `requestEndDate` bigint DEFAULT NULL, `responseStartDate` bigint DEFAULT NULL, `responseEndDate` bigint DEFAULT NULL, `status` varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL, `message` varchar(4500) DEFAULT NULL, `responseTime` bigint DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )" #createScenarioRecordTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ScenarioRecords` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `runId` int DEFAULT NULL, `scenarioName` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` VARCHAR(20) NULL, `event` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `startDate` bigint DEFAULT NULL, `endDate` bigint DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )" #createGroupRecordTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `GroupRecords` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `runId` int DEFAULT NULL, `scenarioName` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` VARCHAR(20) NULL, `entryDate` bigint DEFAULT NULL, `exitDate` bigint DEFAULT NULL, `status` varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )" } insert { #insertRunRecord = "INSERT INTO RunRecords (runDate, simulationId, runDescription) VALUES (?,?,?)" #insertRequestRecord = "INSERT INTO RequestRecords (runId, scenario, userId, name, requestStartDate, requestEndDate, responseStartDate, responseEndDate, status, message, responseTime) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" #insertScenarioRecord = "INSERT INTO ScenarioRecords (runId, scenarioName, userId, event, startDate, endDate) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)" #insertGroupRecord = "INSERT INTO GroupRecords (runId, scenarioName, userId, entryDate, exitDate, status) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)" } } graphite { #light = false # only send the all* stats #host = "localhost" #port = 2003 #protocol = "tcp" #rootPathPrefix = "gatling" #maxMeasuredValue = 60000 # Hint for efficiently computing stats #bufferSize = 8192 } } }