Alternative to Gatling.fromMap

Hello team,

We used Gatling.fromMap to pass overrides read from our own configuration files.
However, after upgrading to 2.1.4 from (2.0.3), we now have to create our own class under the package, so that we can instantiate the Gatling class. Is this the recommended pattern?

Thank you for such an enjoyable, productive and solid tool. We started using it in our company (taulia) a few months ago with a lot of success. Kudos to your craftsmanship!


Hi Nico,

What are you doing exactly, that you mean to instanciate yourself?
The Gatling companion object is still public, only the class isn’t. We’re trying to trim down our Scaladoc scope.

Thanks for your kind words!

Hi Stéphane,

This is what I am referring to:

with 2.0.3

fromMap is still there and public:

You probably didn’t realize that you can pass the simulation classname with the simulationClass option. And that there’s a helper for building those parameters:

Hi Stéphane,

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Much appreciated!

