< BINARY CONTENT> in the response body

Hi! I get the < BINARY CONTENT> method in the response. The application cannot use the HTTPS protocol at the moment, are there any other solutions to the problem? Colleagues from another forum suggested that it might be a matter of json-rpc, could it be true? The problem is relevant for any size of the response body


Request example

  val deletingDocuments = http("/api/v1/docType.json")
          "id": "1",
          "jsonrpc": "2.0",
          "method": "delete",
          "params": {
              "id": "#{id_documents}"


  val commonHeaders = Map(
    //"Content-Type" -> "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
    "Accept" -> "*/*",
    "Authorization" -> "<jwtToken>",
    "Accept-Encoding"  -> "gzip, deflate, br",
    "Connection" -> "keep-alive",
    "Host" -> "isupd-gateway.api.akkuyu.test.csp",
    "User-Agent" -> "Chrome/, Safari/537.36",
    //"Version" -> "HTTP1/.1"

Скриншот 04-12-2023 175943

The is not the response body as it was received, it’s how it’s printed in the DEBUG/TRACE logs.
The thing here is that application/json-rpc is not recognized as a text mime type so Gatling considers it a binary one.

And indeed, this is a custom mime type that’s not registered in the official IANA list: Media Types

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