So, I like to log the body strings. When there are failures, I go look at simulation.log for the details.
I’ve noticed that for 4xx and 5xx responses, the body string doesn’t get logged. But I know in these responses, there is text in the body.
Do I need to do something special?
Also, is gatling 2 going to be getting a new tag soon? I see that the next milestone is suppose to be complete next week. I’d really like to have a tag and not be working from master 
So, I like to log the body strings. When there are failures, I go look at
simulation.log for the details.
I've noticed that for 4xx and 5xx responses, the body string doesn't get
logged. But I know in these responses, there is text in the body.
Do I need to do something special?
Maybe GitHub - gatling/gatling: Modern Load Testing as Code ?
Also, is gatling 2 going to be getting a new tag soon? I see that the
next milestone is suppose to be complete next week. I'd really like to
have a tag and not be working from master 
Will update milestone date then 
Nope, we're not ready yet. As you can see, there's still some stuff to be
done for M4, and we have to document everything, as lots of things have
changes since M3.