Building/compiling gatling scripts without scala-maven-plugin

The scala-maven-plugin reference has been removed in

I previously used
mvn scala:testCompile
to build my scala sources but this is not possible any more without the plugin.

I did not manage to only build the sources with
mvn gatling:test

Maybe someone can guide me towards the needed compile target that I could not find.

scala-maven-plugin has been removed from the demo because it’s not necessary there as the gatling-maven-plugin takes care of compiling what’s in src/test/scala.
This demo works just fine when running mvn gatling:test.
If you have a more complex setup, it’s up to you to add the scala-maven-plugin to your own project.

I guess I should’ve phrased the question differently.

Is there something in the gatling: namespace that allows me to compile the test sources but not subsequently start/run the scenarios?

Kind regards and thank you for the fast response

Then, answer is no.