I’ve got what looks like one last hurdle to my restful service library:
09:08:18.675 [ERROR] i.g.a.ZincCompiler$ - /src/poc/rtde/src/scala/com/cigna/rtde/simulations/sandbox.scala:19: ambiguous reference to overloaded definition,
both method exec in trait Execs of type (scenario: io.gatling.core.structure.ScenarioBuilder)io.gatling.core.structure.ChainBuilder
and method exec in trait Execs of type (chains: Iterable[io.gatling.core.structure.ChainBuilder])io.gatling.core.structure.ChainBuilder
match argument types (Nothing)
09:08:18.675 [ERROR] i.g.a.ZincCompiler$ - .exec( RTDE.Individuals.me.request.check( jsonPath( “$.result” ).saveAs( INDIVIDUAL_DETAIL ) ) )
09:08:18.675 [ERROR] i.g.a.ZincCompiler$ - ^
My scenario looks like this:
scenario( “sandbox” )
.exec( Setup.common )
.during( Test.duration ) {
feed( User.feed.random )
.exec( RTDE.Login.sequence )
.exec( RTDE.Individuals.me.request.check( jsonPath( “$.result” ).saveAs( INDIVIDUAL_DETAIL ) ) )
.debug.valueOf( INDIVIDUAL_DETAIL )
Gatling reports the .exec as the problem. The IDE reports the call to feed() as the problem, but gives the same error about overloaded exec.
At this point, I’m not sure if my problem is my code, or if it is using a feed() inside of a during(). I’m going to try making a simple gatling script that does not use my code, to see.
In the mean time, just in case it’s my code, here is what it looks like:
trait RestfulService {
protected def gatlingRequest[T <: AbstractHttpRequestBuilder[T]] : T
trait RestfulGET extends RestfulService {
def gatlingRequest =
http( description )
.get( url )
.header( HttpHeaderNames.Accept, HttpHeaderValues.ApplicationJson )
.headers( requestHeaders )
.queryParamMap( queryParams )
class RtdeAuth[R <: RestfulService]( desc : String ) extends RestfulService {
private def sendThroughLayer7[T <: AbstractHttpRequestBuilder[T]] ( request : T ) : T = … // modify the request
private def sendDirectToServer[T <: AbstractHttpRequestBuilder[T]] ( request : T ) : T = … // modify the request
def request[T <: AbstractHttpRequestBuilder[T]] : T =
if ( Config.Endpoint.Services.config.getBoolean( “layer7” ) )
sendThroughLayer7( this.gatlingRequest )
sendDirectToServer( this.gatlingRequest )
class IndividualsService {
def me = new RtdeAuth[RestfulGET] ( “Individuals.me” ) {
def path = “/v1/individuals/me”
def withPreferences = this.queryParameter( “preferences”, true )
def channels( which : String ) = this.queryParameter( “channels”, which )
object RTDE {
val Individuals = new IndividualsService()