I tried looking through the forums, but did not see my question answered.
I am using the gatling maven version 2.2.0-M2 and 2.2.0-M3 for all other gatling modules.
This is the command line I am trying to run:
mvn -Pperformance-test clean verify -Dgatling.simulationClass=‘MySimulation’ -Dusers=15 -DrampDuration=60
This is part of the simulation definition:
val numUsers: Int = Configuration.getNumUsers(100)
val rampDuration = 2700.seconds //45 minutes
fppScenario.inject(rampUsers(numUsers) over (rampDuration))
No matter what I try, I cannot seem to get the rampDuration to affect the already defined rampDuration. Am I missing something?