core.Predef.Session vs core.session.Session

Which one are people supposed to use? In general, which thing from which package should one use to get the examples to actually compile? Hint: it’d really be helpful if the documentation mentioned this at all.


See : core.Predef.Session is actually just an alias of core.session.Session .
You can use the one you prefer, although importing io.gatling.core.Predef._ brings a lot of useful things that importinh io.gatling.core.session.Session do not.



Well, except that neither one remotely works. I’ve been trying for 45 minute to even get to compile. Nothing indicates which classes or packages to import, or subclass, and no, it comes nowhere remotely close to compiling. I’m on 2.1.7 and absolutely nothing works the way the documentation claims it does. Can you please be very, very, very specific about how to get this to actually work?

Well, except that neither one remotely works. I've been trying for 45
minute to even get*1.5.6*
to compile. Nothing indicates which classes or packages to import, or
subclass, and no, it comes nowhere remotely close to compiling. I'm on
*2.1.7* and absolutely nothing works the way the documentation claims it
does. Can you please be very, very, very specific about how to get this to
actually work?

Should be very very very specific enough.

*Stéphane Landelle*
*GatlingCorp CEO*

You’re using 2.1.7 yet you refer to Gatling 1.5.6 documentation.
There were a bunch of API changes in Gatling, especially around the Session API.
What you’re looking for is here :

Sigh, wow, thanks. I really really really really really really really really hate Google sometimes. Thanks sheepish

Being honest, we’ve broken SEO when we migrated our site to Angular and we would like to have a warning when you’re browsing an old version.
Still couldn’t find time to work on this yet…