CSV Feeder - batch - Bufferoverflow error

we are passing a huge size of payloads( 600 MB file) through the CSV batch feeder and test was running for sometime, then error popped out.

val CompanyPayloadfeeder = ssv(“src/test/scala/GatlingScripts/data/batch/parsed-company-batch-requests-1M-without-joins-quote-fixed.csv.zip”).unzip.batch.random

I don’t think a file more than 8MB should go in a CSV feeder.
If your files are humongous, they should probably be individual FileBody files (possibly using a feeder to pick the right one).

Thanks… we already tested with 150 MB file in CSV feeder… it was working fine… using 1m requests body here in this test… do you think any other approach works really well here.

can you please tell me that how to change the default value of memory buffer

I think you’ve misunderstood the error.
The problem is not with the file size nor with the number of lines.

The problem is with the line size. One of your lines is more than 8MB long.

The maximum line size can’t be configured atm.