Custom check on request status

Hi, I would like to know if there is a proper way to make a custom check on the request status ( like is / not / …)

atm,I want to check non-regression of an API and check as good if the older 500/400 status are still here or if it have disappear, i also want to consider every 200 status as good.
I’m also using a feeder to build my query and replay log.

I would like do to something “ideally” like this :

... .check("${status}") || ! to 510)) ...

Is there any solution to my problem ?

Use “in” and pass a function that would take the session as input, fetch the “status” attribute and return a Seq[Int] with the (100 to 510) range complete with this value.

I’m ok with you but I don’t understant how to get the session value,
today i got something like this


I’m ok with you but I don’t understant how to get the session value,
today i got something like this


Got any idea on my previous post ?

var mysession :Session = _

What's this global reference doing here???

var scn = scenario("test")
  .doIf(session =>
    {mysession = session


def getGoodHttpStatus(session : Session): Seq[Int] ={
  val list = new ListBuffer[Int]()
  list ++= 200 to 230
  list += session("status").as[Int]

// like you did, assuming "status" is indeed an Int and not a String that
could be parsed into an Int => session("status").validate[Int]).map(status => (200 to
300).toSet + status))

But it look's horrible !

I concur

Thank’s but I tryied your solution and it give me an error :
expected HttpCheck, actual Validation[Int],
I don’t understand how to get over it. Have you any idea ?

Use a check, but pass a function instead of a value, where you would resolve the “status” attribute value and concatenate with the (400 to 510) range.