I have a method that generates data and writes to a csv file in before method
val outputFile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(“src/test/resources/primarycompany.csv”))
val csvWriter = new CSVWriter(outputFile, ‘\n’, CSVWriter.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER)
def createContact(): Unit = {
var noOfContacts: Int = 3
listOfRecords += csvSchema
for (i ← 0 until noOfContacts) {
api.data = new JSONObject
response = api.createContact(path, 201)
ContactID = response.path(ContactsEnum.mcr_contact_id.keys)
listOfRecords += GetStringArray(primaryContactIDList)
As seen above am writing the values to primarycompany.csv
I wanted to use this file as feeder but "Feeder source is empty" though it has values in it.
Help pls!
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