I started to use gatling to test the load on our Solr.
I gathered some url-encoded URIs in the access logs that I want to play again on my test server.
My scenario is quite simple and basically looks like this :
val scn = scenario(“Load test Solr”)
).during(5, MINUTES)
In my file LoadTestSolr.csv I basically have only one column whose title is uri.
When I run the tests it seems that gatling is encoding the uri from my CSV, but they are already url-encoded. If I have %20 in my csv file, then the query sent contains %25%20 .
Is there a way to prevent gatling from url-encoding again the uris ?
Hi Laurent,
With the master sources, you can now configure AHC to use raw url with the following configuration:
gatling.http.useRawUrl = true
I’ll do some tests tomorrow to check if it indeed solves your problem.
2012/5/3 Laurent Vaills <laurent.vaills@gmail.com>
Could you give an example of your urls, please?
Where is the %20? In the path or in the query?
2012/5/3 Stéphane Landelle <slandelle@excilys.com>
Hi Stéphane,
It is in the query string.
A basic example could be : /solr/select?q=foo%20bar
2012/5/3 Stéphane Landelle <slandelle@excilys.com>
OK, so in 1.1.5 (to be released today), you’ll be able to set gatling.http.useRawUrl to true (default is false) in gatling.conf in order to disable query encoding.
Beware that it’s a global parameter.
2012/5/4 Laurent Vaills <laurent.vaills@gmail.com>
Ok thanks.
I tried to replace all the gatling-*1.1.4.jar with the gatling-*1.1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar I freshly built from the master but I have an error about the class com.excilys.ebi.gatling.charts.component.impl.ComponentLibraryImpl .
How do you build the gatling-charts-highcharts-1.1.4-bundle.tar.gz ?