List on Simulation is composed with few or less items of Scenario4 ( +/- 10 items)
List on Simulation is composed with many ( 20 or more ) items of Scenario4 AND if I remove the loop ( loop - during ) on Scenario4
When it fails, I got this :
Exception in thread “main” java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Futures timed out after [20000] milliseconds
at akka.dispatch.DefaultPromise.ready(Future.scala:870)
at akka.dispatch.DefaultPromise.result(Future.scala:874)
at akka.dispatch.Await$.result(Future.scala:74)
at com.excilys.ebi.gatling.core.structure.AbstractStructureBuilder.buildChainedActions$1(AbstractStructureBuilder.scala:184)
at com.excilys.ebi.gatling.core.structure.AbstractStructureBuilder.buildChainedActions(AbstractStructureBuilder.scala:188)
at com.excilys.ebi.gatling.core.runner.Runner$$anonfun$3.apply(Runner.scala:51)
at com.excilys.ebi.gatling.core.runner.Runner$$anonfun$3.apply(Runner.scala:49)
[ERROR] [08/02/2012 12:11:15.351] [] [akka://GatlingSystem/user/$F] error while creating actor
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Futures timed out after [20000] milliseconds
at akka.dispatch.DefaultPromise.ready(Future.scala:870)
at akka.dispatch.DefaultPromise.result(Future.scala:874)
Changing the value of during doesn’t help. I try 0 with no success.
Anyone can explain me the error, and hopefully got an idea to solve it
The fastest way to make your simulation run is to increase the Akka actor creation timeout (which is, as you noticed, 20s).
What you have to do is to add an file named “application.conf” and put it into the Gatling conf folder.
You can find a template of this file in the akka-core jar.
Basically, your file should look like this:
akka {
actor {
increase from 20s to 60s
creation-timeout = 60s
However, I’d like to fix/optimize this and not only provide a workaround, so it’d be really great if you could provide your Simulation.
Your system taking more than 20s to start up is very wrong.
I joined my scala files. Tell me if you need request-bodies too.
My computer is pretty fast ( Intel Core i5 CPU @ 3.30 GHz, 4 Go RAM, SSD disk ), and I think you are right when you say it’s an optimization problem. So far, some configuration running on my computer doesn’t run on a Linux VM (which is a bit slower)
I’ll try to increase the creation timeout value, and give you results
The Exception occurs after :
“Simulation …SimulationEspicT1 started…”
[ wait for 20 sec. ]
Exception in thread “main” [ERROR] [08/02/2012 11:57:55.150] [] [akka://GatlingSystem/user/$C] error while creating actor
Changing value of creation-timeout doesn’t help.
On the main Simulation, if I have 11 times the line “Scenario4.scnPic.configure.users(100).ramp(100*60).protocolConfig(httpConf)” on the List, my Sim works.
When it’s 12, I got the error. After that, I push the creation-timeout to 60 sec.
Infortunately, I have the same error as always, just the information about the timeout is different (so that show me the value is well changed) :
Exception in thread “main” java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Futures timed out after [60000] milliseconds
I fear this will be a real headache: I have no problem starting your Simulation on my Mac, except, of course, that I get some “Connection refused” as xxxxxxxxxxx is not a real host name. Launching is also almost immediate.
How do you launch Gatling? Do you use a bundle launched from the command line? an IDE? the maven plugin?