Execute scenarios sequentially

Hey there.

I’m writing some new service endpoint tests and would like to test things sequentially. For example, to have scenarios strung together so that a scenario will not execute until another one is done. Example:

Scn 1: POST /contents - 10000x
Scn 2: GET /contents - 10000x
Scn 3: DELETE /contents/:id - 10000x

As far as I know right now, the setUp in Gatling only allows for scenarios to be executed in parallel. Execution chaining isn’t what I’m looking for either as I want all users to complete Scn 1 before moving onto Scn 2 and so-on. Is there some way of accomplishing this without having to create 3 different simulations and manually running them back to back? If not, what would it take to get such a feature?



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Do those sequentials scenarios share the same users?

I think that would probably be ideal. If that wasn’t feasible, I was going to create a runtime store of any session data I’d need to retain (such as; this user created resource ID ###) so it could be used in subsequent requests as necessary.

Actually, you can use the same kind of barrier I described here a few weeks ago: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/gatling/7ps9ic0g6GY/y6HomE8aafYJ


Our answers just crossed each other. :slight_smile:
See mine.

This looks quite promising. I’ll take a look into it, thanks!

Just following up - this worked perfectly. Thanks!

Glad to hear :slight_smile:
I think that something that would deserve a mention in the cookbook.

Absolutely - I don’t know if it’s possible for other people besides contributors can modify the wiki via PR’s or otherwise. Got a clue? If not, I can link to a gist of what I’ve written up in my own cookbook.


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PR on Github’s wiki are not possible.
That’s one of the reasons why we’re moving the documentation out of Github’s wiki.
Documentation will be hosted directly with the sources (we’ll be going with Sphinx).

inject takes a vararg