I have a get request which after about 60 seconds (it can take less or more) should return “complete” status. If this didn’t happen after 2 min, this means that test is failed. The code below doesn’t exit after “final status check”:
.asLongAs(_("status").as[String] != "complete"){
.exec(http("status check")
.get("/api/v2/applications/" + _("param").as[String])
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.queryParam("api_key", Settings.api).asJSON
.exec(http("final status check")
.get("/api/v2/applications/" + _("param").as[String])
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.queryParam("api_key", Settings.api).asJSON
If I would simply do retries, this will add “KO” to test summary every 10 seconds. Since status “complete” is expected somewhere between 1 and 2 minutes, I want the scenario to be “fail fast”.
Is there a way to modify the code above to exit on fail after 12 retries or earlier if condition “asLongAs” is met.
Thank you!