my question comes based on what I think I understood from the documentation and testing Gatling out. I hope the following is correct:
- Multiple exec’s in the same scenario are executed after each other and not in parallel.
- Feeders can only be used inside a scenario.
- To have 2 http request run in parallel i’d have to create 2 scenarios where each scenario has 1 exec with the http request.
I am testing a web service post api that takes different json data as input. I wanted to store each test, which would be a different json blog, in a different file in the same directory. Also I want to execute each request (each json file) in parallel and not sequential, which would mean for each request (each json file) a new scenario.
So what would be nice is if I could write a Feeder that reads in all files from my directory and create’s an array of scenarios from it that I can launch using “setUp(arrayScenarios.inject(atOnce(10 users)))”. The feeder itself would create the scenario with the appropriate “.check(…)” in place.
Is that doable or just a dumb idea