formUpload is not working???


I am new to gatling…In gatling 2.0.x and 2.0 -RC* formUpload is not working…why??And how to fix this…please tell me with example code

error: value formUpload is not a member …


Until 2.1, formUpload and formParams are only available on POST.

So how to upgrade my gatling to 2.1???Explain in detail


I tried to upgraded to 2.0.2 in pom.xml and I added dependency for that but after that also it is getting same error…So what is the solution…Please help me…

Sorry for the delay…please help me…

It is not intended.
This issue is only with put() method.I tried to upgrade to 2.1 with maven…But I falied…So how to do??please explain the procedure…And I am not able to do PUT operation…Please help me…