Hello all !
I found this flood.io , and couln’t find their jar file to put in gatling/lib dir .
Any idea where can I find it ?
If they really allow people download it , or I have to write the code and import their jar and upload it to their server ?
Thanks in advance .
Hi Artyom,
Flood.io is not a library, but a cloud-based service.
So you’ll need to write your simulation and import it to their servers in order to run it.
And of course, pay some fees in the process
Flood.io is closed source and there service is not related to Gatling, so sorry, we can’t really help you out.
You see with them directly.
Thanks all !
I’m looking for a way to pass a string from simulation object to scenario .
Is there a way to do so within
setUp(Object.scn.users(5).ramp(20).protocolConfig(httpConf)) ?
Thanks in advance .
Where’s the string coming from in the simulation that it can’t be retrieved/declared directly in the scenario?