Gatling. Fetch data from response for next requests

I need to fetch optional data from a JSON response to build next requests. I use check(jsonPath("...rooms[0].id").exists.saveAs("...roomId")) but if the user has no rooms, the result is interpreted by .check() as an error (e.g. request count 4 (OK=3 KO=1))


object Users {
val execute = exec(http(“Users”))
// if user has no rooms, the check results in an error (KO)

object Room {
val execute = exec(http(“Room”))

val readOnlyScenario = scenario(“Read only scenario”) {
doIf(session => session.contains(“roomId”)) {


How can I fetch optional data from a JSON response and save it in the session (if present) without .check() failing when the data is not present?

I use Gatling 2.2.3


Thanks! It works.