Gatling JWT Atlassian plugin

I am trying to use the Atlasssian JWT-signed requests Gatling plugin.
However, my simulation code reports error when stating the following:

cannot resolve the symbol httpWithJwt

I have build the maven project and I have this in my POM:



package com.moc

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class SomeSimulation extends Simulation {

  val httpConf = http
    .headers(Map("Content-Type" -> "application/json", "charset" -> "UTF-8",  "User-Agent" -> "Android(4.4)/Sweet(0.4)/0.1"))

  val simpleJwtScenario = scenario("Send a JWT signed request")
        .queryParam("param_1", "value_1")
        .queryParam("param_2", "value_2")
        .sign("${host}", "${user}", "${secret}")

  setUp(simpleJwtScenario.inject(ramp(5 users) over (5 seconds)))



See sample on plugin page:

You have to add the proper import


I have copied the sample into my simulation. It complains about the import with: cannot resolve symbol ‘atlassian’


import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import com.atlassian.gatling.jwt.Predef.httpWithJwt._

class OAuthSimulation extends Simulation {

  val httpConf = http
    .headers(Map("Content-Type" -> "application/json", "charset" -> "UTF-8",  "User-Agent" -> "Android(4.4)/Balle(0.4)/0.1"))

  val simpleJwtScenario = scenario("Send a JWT signed request")

        .queryParam("param_1", "value_1")
        .queryParam("param_2", "value_2")
        .sign("${host}", "${user}", "${secret}")

  setUp(simpleJwtScenario.inject(ramp(5 users) over (5 seconds)))



I have build the project with maven and have this:


But why does it not understand the import in the beginning?

Anyway, the page states “Note that gatling-jwt is built against Gatling 2.0M3a.” so it might be not compatible.


I guess the Atlassian people stopped their effort once they had load test their own products.