[gatling-maven-plugin version 4.2.6] user defined simulationClass could not be loaded

Dear All,

I have configured the simulation class in the gatling maven plugin configurations as below under the tag


When I try to execute the tests with command

mvn -e -Dgatling.simulationClass=load.tests.simulations.TestData

I get the below error

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: src/test/java/load/tests/simulations/TestData.java

Wrapped by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: User defined Simulation class src/test/java/load/tests/simulations/TestData.java could not be loaded
Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: Gatling failed.
Caused by: io.gatling.plugin.util.Fork$ForkException

Could you please take a look and guide me to resolve the issue?

Please read the gatling-maven-plugin documentation.

simulationClass takes a Fully Qualified Class Name, not the relative location of the source file.

Why are you setting this incorrect value in your pom.xml? <simulationClass>src/test/java/load/tests/simulations/TestData.java</simulationClass>