Thanks for your response.
I would love to see more output in the console when my Gatling tests run. I originally tried doing a println to show the saved key, but that never showed up in the console output.
There is something slightly different about my setup that is probably worth noting- I am invoking Gatling from a Gradle build script as a child Java process instead of running it as a standalone app.
To accomplish this, I had to modify the standard Gatling directory structure. I found arguments that seemed to allow this that can be passed to main, but have not yet been able to verify that the running app can actually access these custom locations.
Then, when I was working with setting these up, I could not find anything that seemed to apply to customizing location of the Gatling conf directory, so I’m not sure how to do this with my setup. What would you recommend?
I’ve included a copy of the task code (from gradle) that currently runs my tests>
task gatlingPerformance(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: gatlingSmoke) {
description = ‘Runs a single gatling test from gradle command line’
classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
main = “”
args ="[’-s’, ‘simulations.MyTest’," +
// set up Gatling tree so the jar can find things
“’-bf’, ‘src/test/scala/request-bodies’,” +
“’-df’, ‘src/test/scala/data’,” +
“’-sf’, ‘src/test/scala/simulations’,” +
“’-rf’, ‘${buildDir}/reports/gatling’]”
I’ve also included the code that execs Object #1 and Object #2
// scenario
val myTest = scenario(“Run all operations”)
.exec( Object1.createPost )
.exec( someOtherObject.getStuff )
.exec( anotherObject.getStuff )
.exec(Object2.deletePost )