Help on gatling websocket to set the status of the request depending on the value in the answer

Hello All,

Sorry in advance, I’m really new in Gatling.
I’m using websocket through Gatling, It’s working fine.
I’m going to explain my problem :Saisissez le code ici…

After some requests, in result I get the below JSON :

{"appId":"XXX","appService":"inventory","clientId":"c9b844bb3cfc","messageType":"preview-state","body":{"status":"success","data":{"type":"ERROR","flowId":"9f51a830d069","previewVersion":"3cd6e7ac5260","data":{"reason":"Something wrong"}}},"timestamp":1511088370572}

I do something like that to trappe the message :



The status of this check is : OK because I receive a message according to the check constraint.
But, in the final report, I want to see that the request is KO due to “type” = “ERROR”
I want to be able to trigger a request status OK or KO when receiving the message.
If “type” = “SUCESS” then the request is OK
If “type” = “ERROR” then the request is KO

Thanks in advance for your help,

Best regards,

I’m stuck with a similar problem, but I think your jsonPath should be:
