How can i retry but ignore first failure

How can do the following usecase?

If a 401 (due to autentication error) is returned, try it again only count the 2nd or later tries as KO.

If i do check(,401)) then the 401 is not counted as KO as desired. But in my usecase i want to try twice (or more) before i really give up and record it as KO.

My code is as follows which works but it masks all 401.

tryMax(2) {
.headers(getXHeaders(username, password))
.doIf(session => session(“auth_resp_code”).as[Int] == 401) {

That’s not possible, sorry.

You can either have all failing requests reporting a failure, using tryMax, or have none of them fail, using an asLongAs loop and a check that would allow 401, hence not fail.

So i have tried adding this so that i can re-send the request but now with the standard status check. And i can see in the session “auth_resp_code” → 401, but the doIf condtion is never entered? I wonder why?

.exec { session => println(session); session }
.doIf(session => session(“auth_resp_code”).as[Int] == 401) {
.exec { session => println(session); session }
.headers(getXHeaders(username, password))