How should I interpret the Report?


I’m just starting using Gatling and I cannot understand the values on the final report

---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------

request count 48640 (OK=48408 KO=232 )
min response time 1013 (OK=1013 KO=1251 )
max response time 1334 (OK=1250 KO=1334 )
mean response time 1035 (OK=1034 KO=1287 )
std deviation 32 (OK=27 KO=19 )
response time 50th percentile 1023 (OK=1023 KO=1285 )
response time 75th percentile 1039 (OK=1038 KO=1305 )
response time 95th percentile 1092 (OK=1088 KO=1323 )
response time 99th percentile 1168 (OK=1146 KO=1333 )
mean requests/sec 231.619 (OK=230.514 KO=1.105 )
---- Response Time Distribution ------------------------------------------------
t < 800 ms 0 ( 0%)
800 ms < t < 1200 ms 48312 ( 99%)
t > 1200 ms 96 ( 0%)
failed 232 ( 0%)

How should I interpret the numbers on the response time lines? First I thought would be the numbest of requests that fitted on that specific bucket, but the numbers don’t add up.

The ‘request count’ and the ‘Response Time Distribution’ seem to correlate properly, but the rest I don’t know how to interpret them

Thanks a lot for your help

Have you read the documentation?
Do you know what percentiles are?