Hello, I’m new to Gatling and Scala and am having difficulties using Gatling to test our Vaadin application
Once I have logged in the URL is recorded as http://v217s08r2643:8080/application/#!-
From here I can click on “Search” or “Admin” etc and the URL becomes http://v217s08r2643:8080/application/#!-/search or http://v217s08r2643:8080/application/#!-/admin
If I attempt a get request for any URL containing a #, the system always attempts to get http://v217s08r2643:8080/application/ (it disregards the # character and anything that follows it) so I can never reach the page I am after
I have tried wrapping my URL in triple brackets, or single brakcets with an escape character but nothing seems to work.
As a coding numpty I could really use some help with this.