I’m trying to simulate 5 nodes that will contact my API. And all 5 of these nodes will maintain a long lived TCP connection to send their HTTP (actually HTTPS) requests, in order to avoid the overhead of doing a new TCP and TLS handshake on each request.
Here is Gatling code I’m currently using:
package projectabc
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class BasicSimulation extends Simulation {
val feeder = csv(“search.csv”).random
val httpProtocol = http
val scn = scenario(“BasicSimulation”)
constantConcurrentUsers(5) during (5 seconds))
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as intended: the keep-alive header is sent but a new TCP connection is opened on each HTTP request. I’m using Gatling 3.1.2. Is there anything wrong with my config?
Thank you for your help.