Started to use gatling as a load testing tool for my services recently.
I’m trying to achieve statistics about ssl termination tim on haproxy with gatling as well as response time of services behind haproxy.
For now i see that number of connections on haproxy isn’t equal to number of users, didn’t see anyhing in doc about this case as well.
Help please!
Except if you use “shareConnectionPool” which is for sharing connection pool amongst users, or “resources” which is for emulating browsers that open multiple concurrent connections for download web page resources, Gatling opens 1 TCP connection per host.
Except if you use “shareConnectionPool” which is for sharing connection pool amongst users, or “resources” which is for emulating browsers that open multiple concurrent connections for download web page resources, each virtual opens 1 TCP connection per host (as long as server doesn’t close them on its end because of keep-alive timeout).