How to pass command line input in Gatling using Scala script?

I want that user can input ‘Count, repeatCount, testServerUrl and definitionId’ from command line while executing from Gatling. Can anybody please help me? TIA.

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

    class TestCLI extends Simulation {

        val **count** = 50
        val wait = 2
        val **repeatCount** = 2

        val **testServerUrl** = "Some url" 

        val scn = scenario("testabcd")
            .repeat (repeatCount ) {
                .body(StringBody("""{"**definitionId**":10200121}"""))) // I also want to get this value dynamic from CLI and put here



Hi Pandya,

Configuration for gatling is here:

The one you’re looking for is probably JAVA_OPTS. I use this by modifying the script, setting

JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Dgatling_conf=${GATLING_CONF} -Dgatling_home=${GATLING_HOME}"

and then in the driver class

val gatlingHome = System.getProperty(“gatling_home”)

I hope that helps.

Kind regards,


Hi Tony,

I have modified following code.

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

    class TestCLI extends Simulation {

        val count = Integer.getInteger("users", 50).toint
        val wait = 2
        val repeatCount = Integer.getInteger("repeatCount", 2).toInt

        val testServerUrl = System.getProperty("testServerUrl")
        val definitionId  = java.lang.Long.getLong("definitionId", 0L)

        val httpProtocol = http
		.acceptEncodingHeader("""gzip, deflate""")
		.userAgentHeader("""Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.65 Safari/537.36""")

	val headers_0 = Map(
		"""Cache-Control""" -> """no-cache""",
		"""Origin""" -> """chrome-extension://mmmmmmmmmmmm""")

val scn = scenario("testabcd")
            .repeat (repeatCount ) {
                .body(StringBody("""{"definitionId":$definitionId}"""))) // I also want to get this value dynamic from CLI and put here



But gives this error while running,

D:\abc\gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.1.7\bin>JAVA_OPTS="-DuserCount=50 -D flowRepeatCount=2 -DdefinitionId=10220301 -DtestServerUrl=‘something’"
gatling.b at ‘JAVA_OPTS’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.


Hi Pandya,

I’m guessing by the truncated “gatling.b” that you’re running this in Windows. I’m not entirely familiar with this (as I use a real operating system by choice :wink: ), but try “set JAVA_OPTS=…”

Also, you have a space in “-D flowRepeatCount=…” that might cause problems.

At this point, I’ll hand you on to any Windows people watching.

Kind regards,


Hii Tony,

That JAVA_OPTS error got solved by adding java before JAVA_OPTS (java JAVA_OPTS arguments…) but one more error shows which is it could not find main class (as I dont have main class in my script)

D:\Ronak\gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.1.7\bin>java JAVA_OPTS="-DuserCount= 50 -DflowRepeatCount=2 -DdefinitionId=10220301 -DtestServerUrl='something'" ./ga tling.bat Error: Could not find or load main class JAVA_OPTS=-DuserCount=50 -DflowRepeatCo unt=2 -DdefinitionId=10220301 -DtestServerUrl='something'

So, how can I add main class or any alternative solution without adding main class? script code I already added in previous thread.


Hi Pandya,

That’s not solved the problem. Doing

java “somelongstring” someotherstuff

just tells java to look for a class somelongstring, that has a main() method.

Kind regards,



I want that user can input ‘Count, repeatCount, testServerUrl and definitionId’ from command line while executing from Gatling. From command line I execute

export JAVA_OPTS=“-DuserCount=1 -DflowRepeatCount=1 -DdefinitionId=10220101 -DtestServerUrl=‘’”
sudo bash`

but there is runtime error,
Errors --------------------------------------------------------------------
url null/api/workflows can't be parsed into a URI: scheme

URL which I provide is shown null

Here is the code snippet,

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class TestCLI extends Simulation {
val userCount = Integer.getInteger(“userCount”, 1).toInt
val holdEachUserToWait = 2
val flowRepeatCount = Integer.getInteger(“flowRepeatCount”, 2).toInt
val definitionId = java.lang.Long.getLong(“definitionId”, 0L)
val testServerUrl = System.getProperty(“testServerUrl”)

val httpProtocol = http
.acceptEncodingHeader(“”“gzip, deflate”“”)
.userAgentHeader(”““Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.65 Safari/537.36"””)

val headers_0 = Map(
“”“Cache-Control”“” → “”“no-cache”“”,
“”“Origin”“” → “”“chrome-extension://faswwegilgnpjigdojojuagwoowdkwmasem”“”)

val scn = scenario(“testabcd”)
.repeat (flowRepeatCount) {
.body(StringBody(“”“{“definitionId”:$definitionId}”“”))) // I also want to get this value dynamic from CLI and put here


