How to script on Events

In my application, when user logins he can see his Notifications in Dashboard page. Those Notifications are been generated by Events below is the ex of Event to create a notification:

These are the event that the notification service listens too

createNotification: ‘ba.schl.hbt.comunicate.Externalportal.create.notification.v1’,

So I need to use this Event in my Gatling Script to generate an event, how to do that?

Any ideas?

Here is an Example:

TC_01: Test Notification for Correspondence Event (Store in Database & Emit Email Event)

Test Event:


“specVersion”: “1.0”,

“type”: “ca.cmhc.hbt.event.claim.created.correspondence.v1”,

“source”: “microservices/event-test-harness/producer”,

“id”: “104e6ecd-6a7b-454a-922c-a81ffb457e0b”,

“timestamp”: “2019-12-17T15:00:00.05Z”,

“dataContentType”: “application/json”,

“correlationId”: {

“id”: “test”,

“origin”: “test-harness”


“data”: {

“claimID”: “609e6ecd-6a7b-454a-922c-a81ffb457e0b”,

“claimSubmitterUserID”: “b7e336bb-5c0f-4779-976f-a9acb5037fe4”,

“approvedLenderReferenceNumber”: “132456789”,

“claimTypeCode”: “1”,

“correspondenceID”: “02B14562-24D1-4B61-9F12-C2D3BE7DBBDF”,

“adjudicationNoteCategory”: “”,

“cancellationReasonCode”: “3”,

“commentTypeCode”: “6”,

“correspondenceTypeCode”: “2”,

“declineReasonCode”: “”,

“documentRequestCategory”: [],

“propertyDeficiencyCategory”: “”,

“recordCreatedTimestamp”: “2021-04-21 22:34:12.425000”,

“recordCreatedUserID”: “b7e336bb-5c0f-4779-976f-a9acb5037fe4”,

“recordUpdatedTimestamp”: “2021-04-21 22:34:12.425000”,

“recordUpdatedUserID”: “b7e336bb-5c0f-4779-976f-a9acb5037fe4”,

“remarkText”: “Test”,

“submitterFirstName”: “John”,

“submitterLastName”: “Doe”,

“submitterUserID”: “111e6ecd-6a7b-454a-922c-a81ffb457e0b”,

“submitterUserType”: “1”



Result: Email Created & Stored in DB

Any help?

Any leads? need to prepare a script for this scenario

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