I am very new to Gatling and Scala.
I need to use Gatling jdbc feeder and pull the test data from a table and store them on a session or any variable so that I can use them to populate multiple template file. Also how can I loop through this process to do the same steps for all the rows I get from the database?
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.core.feeder.RecordSeqFeederBuilder
import io.gatling.core.structure.ScenarioBuilder
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.protocol.HttpProtocolBuilder
import io.gatling.jdbc.Predef._
class GatlingTest extends Simulation {
private val dbConnectionString = “jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/BlazeDemo”
private val sqlQuery = “SELECT data FROM TestTable”
private val sqlUserName = “username”
private val sqlPassword = “password”
private val baseUrl = “http://baseurl.com”
private val contentType = “application/json”
val sqlQueryFeeder: RecordSeqFeederBuilder[Any] = jdbcFeeder(dbConnectionString,
val httpProtocol: HttpProtocolBuilder = http
val scn: ScenarioBuilder = scenario(“Test Scenario”)
.exec(http(“first post call”)
.exec(http(“second post call”)
// and so on and repeat the same process for all the rows return