I have written script to login and get token and create new page. After giving 5 users ,only 1 page got created .Not able to understand the exact root cause of only creating 1 page instead of 5

Gatling version: 3.11.2
Gatling flavor: scala
Gatling build tool: maven

I have written script to login ,get token and create page.
and Virtual users are 5.But only 1 page created .Also create page request count =5 But create page redirect has only 1 request generated. Could someone have any solution for this issue.

Hi @Poonam123,

Welcome aboard!

Can you provide some code?
We cannot tell you what is wrong without knowing what you tried.
One possible reason may be because each user try to create the same page, actually replacing the only referenced page.
Without code, we cannot know if the behavior is from your script or from your server.



  val password = "[redacted]"
  private val csvFeeder = csv("testdata/confluence_csv_files/NavigatetoSpacePageDev.csv").queue
  val loginConfluence = scenario(("LogintoConfluence"))
       // .post("/confluence/login.action?auth_fallback")
        .formParam("os_username", "#{username}")
        .formParam("os_password", password)
        .formParam("os_cookie", "true")
        //.formParam("login", "Log+in")
        .formParam("os_destination", "")
       // .check(status.is(200),bodyString.saveAs("loginresponse"))
          .queryParam("spaceKey", "~svc.conflu.testuser1")
          .queryParam("src", "quick-create")
          // .header("Cookie", "JSESSIONID=F277301FA8B26788ACB467A3D1D7E8F2; seraph.confluence=415924234%3Afb29ce9d414235ee074fd42109d3220057198f8e")
          // .header("Host", "confluence-dev.aexp.com")
          // .header("Origin","https://qa-confluence.aexp.com")
          .header("X-AUSERNAME", "svc.conflu.testuser1")
          .header("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
          .header("sec-ch-ua", "\"Not.A/Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"114\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"114\"")
          .check(regex("""name="atlassian-token" content="(.+?)"""").exists.saveAs("atl_token"))
          .check(regex("""name="draftId" value="(.+?)"""").exists.saveAs("draftId"))
          .check(regex("""name="entityId" value="(.+?)"""").exists.saveAs("entityId"))
          .check(regex("""id="fromPageId" value="(.+?)"""").exists.saveAs("fromPageId"))


  val createPage = scenario(("CreatePage"))
   // .exec(confluenceNavigateToHomePageSimulation.navigateToHomePage).pause(2)
              .queryParam("spaceKey", "#{SpaceKey}")
              .queryParam("src", "quick-create")
              .header("X-Ausername", "svc.conflu.testuser1")
              .header("Cookie", "isTFLicensed=true; seraph.confluence=414121993%3Ad91cad3459ef359dc0511b4309338825f27a07bc; JSESSIONID=C254316D60E71B3E35B464DBAD2DE3C7; rxVisitor=1713329869822V0KS9UCVK6QKM1S0NKML9AQG3IF5T8RH; dtCookie=v_4_srv_81_sn_2CA7BA1A6DF0D1EE00FE491975AEE4A4_perc_100000_ol_0_mul_1_app-3Ad23dc6f673e83215_1_rcs-3Acss_0; dtSa=-; rxvt=1713333378309|1713329869824; dtLatC=3; dtPC=81$331578115_559h-vUHNDVCCSKUFWRMJKIOMBNRKMRKARFGPP-0e0; ajs_user_id=b56ff49c6113db7029af7c0cd6c641cc91d09ae4; ajs_anonymous_id=b1a422e9-6a8e-4de8-a512-09a3004408d6")
              .header("Referer", "https://qa-confluence.aexp.com/confluence/display/#{SpaceKey}/")
              .header("User-Agent","Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36")
              .formParam("atl_token", "#{atl_token}")
              .formParam("fromPageId", "#{fromPageId}")
              .formParam("title", customFeeder)
             // .formParam("title", "#{PageName}")
              .formParam("parentPageString", "Conf Test Space Home")
              .formParam("draftId", "#{draftId}")
              .formParam("entityId", "#{entityId}")
              .formParam("newSpaceKey", "#{SpaceKey}")
              .formParam("syncRev", "dummy-sync-rev")

Hi @Poonam123,

I’m not sure to understand your code.

In CreatePage, you instantiate a scenario, you feed (ie read an entry of the feeder), and you exec another scenario (should not be possible) that itself feed (read another entry).
I’m not sure this is wanted.

Are you sure of your feeder? (if it contains only duplicates, it may be normal that it produces the same page whatever the user)

What is the “customFeeder” about?

Please, review your code to be the shorter but still correct to help us help you.


Sharing code again

class ConfluenceCreatePageSimulation extends Simulation {
  val commonUtility = new CommonUtility

  val confluenceCommonUtility = new ConfluenceCommonUtility

  val confluenceNavigateToHomePageSimulation = new ConfluenceNavigateToHomePageSimulation

  val confluenceNavigateToSpaceSimulation = new ConfluenceNavigateToSpaceSimulation

  private val csvFeeder = csv("testdata/confluence_csv_files/NavigatetoSpacePageDev.csv").circular

  val s: String = time.LocalDateTime.now().toString

  time.LocalDateTime.now().toString.replace("T", "_").replace("-", "").replace(":", "")

  val randomPagename = "PerformanceTestPage" + util.Random.between(1, 100000).toString

  val createPage = scenario(("CreatePage"))
        // .post("/confluence/login.action?auth_fallback")
        .formParam("os_username", "#{username}")
        .formParam("os_password", commonUtility.decodeToBase64("MTZoMiNJMWU="))
        .formParam("os_cookie", "true")
        .formParam("os_destination", "")
      .queryParam("spaceKey", "~svc.conflu.testuser1")
      .queryParam("src", "quick-create")
      .header("X-AUSERNAME", "svc.conflu.testuser1")
      .header("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
      .header("sec-ch-ua", "\"Not.A/Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"114\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"114\"")
      .check(regex("""name="atlassian-token" content="(.+?)"""").exists.saveAs("atl_token"))
      .check(regex("""name="draftId" value="(.+?)"""").exists.saveAs("draftId"))
      .check(regex("""name="entityId" value="(.+?)"""").exists.saveAs("entityId"))
      .check(regex("""id="fromPageId" value="(.+?)"""").exists.saveAs("fromPageId"))
        .queryParam("spaceKey", "#{SpaceKey}")
        .queryParam("src", "quick-create")
        .header("X-Ausername", "svc.conflu.testuser1")
        .header("Cookie", "isTFLicensed=true; seraph.confluence=414121993%3Ad91cad3459ef359dc0511b4309338825f27a07bc; JSESSIONID=C254316D60E71B3E35B464DBAD2DE3C7; rxVisitor=1713329869822V0KS9UCVK6QKM1S0NKML9AQG3IF5T8RH; dtCookie=v_4_srv_81_sn_2CA7BA1A6DF0D1EE00FE491975AEE4A4_perc_100000_ol_0_mul_1_app-3Ad23dc6f673e83215_1_rcs-3Acss_0; dtSa=-; rxvt=1713333378309|1713329869824; dtLatC=3; dtPC=81$331578115_559h-vUHNDVCCSKUFWRMJKIOMBNRKMRKARFGPP-0e0; ajs_user_id=b56ff49c6113db7029af7c0cd6c641cc91d09ae4; ajs_anonymous_id=b1a422e9-6a8e-4de8-a512-09a3004408d6")
        .header("Referer", "https://qa-confluence.aexp.com/confluence/display/#{SpaceKey}/")
        .header("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36")
        .formParam("atl_token", "#{atl_token}")
        .formParam("fromPageId", "#{fromPageId}")
        .formParam("originalReferrer", "https://qa-confluence.aexp.com/confluence/display/#{SpaceKey}/")
        .formParam("title", randomPagename)
        .formParam("parentPageString", "Conf Test Space Home")
        .formParam("draftId", "#{draftId}")
        .formParam("entityId", "#{entityId}")
        .formParam("newSpaceKey", "#{SpaceKey}")
        .formParam("syncRev", "dummy-sync-rev")
        .check(status.is(200), bodyString.saveAs("response"))


I am executing them on single executor and having two users in the csv.
I have tried running the script using same users as well as using different users.
The result will look like this where only one page creates.

---- Requests ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Global                                                   (OK=16     KO=0     )
> /Login                                                   (OK=4      KO=0     )
> /Login Redirect 1                                 (OK=4      KO=0     )
> GetToken                                              (OK=4      KO=0     )
> CreatePage                                           (OK=3      KO=0     )
> CreatePage Redirect 1                         (OK=1      KO=0     )

Are you aware that randomPagename is a val, so, the value is the same for the whole execution?

my suggestion:

-  val randomPagename = "PerformanceTestPage" + util.Random.between(1, 100000).toString
+  def randomPagename() = "PerformanceTestPage" + util.Random.between(1, 100000).toString

and its usage:

-        .formParam("title", randomPagename)
+        .formParam("title", _ => randomPagename())

(to use the formParam with function, ie the 3rd form in the example)


1 Like

The original issue where single page was creating now looks resolved but somehow no of expected pages are less due to below issue

---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count                                             48 (OK=34     KO=14    )
> min response time                                    258 (OK=258    KO=261   )
> max response time                                   60012 (OK=8495   KO=60012 )
> mean response time                                 4023 (OK=1536   KO=10063 )
> std deviation                                              11797 (OK=1818   KO=20436 )
> response time 50th percentile                   944 (OK=927    KO=3032  )
> response time 60th percentile                 1498 (OK=1133   KO=3139  )
> response time 95th percentile                  7791 (OK=6093   KO=60009 )
> response time 99th percentile                 60010 (OK=7831   KO=60011 )
> mean requests/sec                                  0.151 (OK=0.107  KO=0.044 )
---- Response Time Distribution ------------------------------------------------
> t < 600 ms                                            10 ( 21%)
> 600 ms < t < 1000 ms                                   9 ( 19%)
> t > 1000 ms                                           15 ( 31%)
> failed                                                14 ( 29%)
---- Errors --------------------------------------------------------------------
> CreatePage: Failed to build request: No attribute named 'atl_t      6 (30.00%)
oken' is defined 
> regex(name="atlassian-token" content="(.+?)").find.exists, fou      6 (30.00%)
nd nothing
> j.n.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further informati      6 (30.00%)
> i.g.h.c.i.RequestTimeoutException: Request timeout to qa-confl      2 (10.00%)
uence.aexp.com/ after 60000 ms

So, a “thank you” is more than welcome and you can mark the answer as “Solution” and you can close this topic.

Please open a new topic with full information to reproduce.
But did you read the log you sent? I’m pretty sure some of the lines in your feeder doesn’t match with actual users on your server.