Invoking Gatling Simulation with command line parameters from Java code

I can run Gatling simulation using the following script from command line.
JAVA_OPTS="-XX:-MaxFDLimit -Dusers=1" JAVA_CLASSPATH=pwd $GATLING_SH -sf pwd -s FanFlow

However I want to do it from a java code as I want to keep the Gatling simulation and the java class(lets call that as SimulationDriver) in a single jar.

I came across the Gatling.fromArgs api and was able to run it as a simulation
using the following piece of code(This is basically my SimulationDriver). But I would also like to pass the command line arguments to the Gatling simulation from the java code.(like -Dusers).
Is there a way to do that?

Gatling.fromArgs(new String[] { “-s”, “FanFlowSimulation” },

new Option<Class>() {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


public int productArity() {

return 0;



public Object productElement(int arg0) {

return null;




public Class get() {

try {

return (Class) Class



} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {


return null;



public boolean isEmpty() {

return false;



public boolean canEqual(Object o) {

return false;



Any pointers folks?

I am not sure that’s possible. Would be interested to know if there is a way.