Iterate through string json that was captured as variable. Gatling: 3.11.0 gatling-maven-plugin 4.8.0

Hi dear community. I capture an array as a session variable.
Next i want to get a random index from that array, and save some more values that are located under that index.
I have tried lot of things. Nothing helped.
In the code below the menuArray is the the array I need.
i want somehow to call it as JSON object, in order to make some iterations on it and access some values in it.

object subscribe_menu_by_filter_1 {
  val subscribe_menu_by_filter_1 =  http("subscribe_menu_by_filter_1")

  val randomExtractor = exec { session =>
    val myArray = session("menuArray").as[String] // Assuming menuArray is a JSON array of strings

//here I need a snippet for making myArray as JSON OBJECT

Please take some time to check the documentation: Gatling checks scripting reference

You’ll see that the jsonPath check comes with a ofXXX (Java/Kotlin) or ofType (Scala) that lets you specify the captured type.

Note: nowadays, we recommend Gatling Java as the default way to go and that Gatling Scala should mostly be used by trained Scala developers.

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