java: command not found when running from localhost to run on injector machine


I have install and configured gatling on my local machine and on injector machine and when I am running it on individual box then everything working fine.

I actually want to use my local machine as controller and want to simulate all load on injector PC so when I am trying to run the gatling from my local machine to run simulation on injector PC then I am getting line 53: java: command not found ERROR and unable to run the simulation

ssh -n -f -i /Users/USERABC/SW/hmcts-load-testing -p 50002 USERXYZ@RemoteHOST "sh -c ‘/home/USERXYZ/SW/Gatling/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.3-3.0/bin/ -nr -s computerdatabase.BasicSimulation’"

USERABC-MacBook-Pro:~ USERABC $ GATLING_HOME is set to /home/USERXYZ/SW/Gatling/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.3-3.0

/home/USERXYZ/SW/Gatling/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.3-3.0/bin/ line 53: java: command not found

Do I need to update JAVA_HOME in the file on remote machine?

Any idea what’s wrong here??