Json Path - Unable to Extract Dynamic Value


Here is my Json Response body

“settingsResponse” : [
“identifier” : “MyIdentifier”,
“values” : [
“identifier” : “Section1”,
“values” : [
“identifier” : “UniqueCode”,
“value” : “12345”
}, {
“identifier” : “accountNumber”,
“value” : “123456789”
}, {
“identifier” : “accountNickname”,
“value” : “My Account”
}, {
“identifier” : “accountType”,
“value” : “Test”
}, {
“identifier” : “enabled”,
“value” : “true”
}, {
“identifier” : “Threshold”,
“value” : “100.00”
}, {
“identifier” : “Threshold”,
“value” : “20.00”
}, {
“identifier” : “TokenCode”,
“value” : “WXdSdFl0SkF1NTB2SkMvYXNXNHVaQkxpJUVFxdVFKb0tJM0JOcU9WaHRhMHdqczVqb0l5\ndExPdFZtY0g2clNZRU5VQ3AxNQp3MzFnM3JLYjRRPT0=”
} ]

I am Trying to Read the TokenCode Value, have tried below formats.

  1. .check(jsonPath(“$.settingsResponse.identifier.values.identifier.values[?(@.identifier == ‘TokenCode’)].value”).saveAs(“TokenCode”))

  2. //.check(jsonPath(“$…value”).findAll.saveAs(“TokenCode”))

Response of 1 fails , can you please help whats wrong ?

Response of 2 returns all the values

“identifier”: “TokenCode”,
“value”: "Vector(12345, 123456789, My Account, Savings, true, 100.00, 20.00, WXdSdFl0SkF1NTB2SkMvYXNXNHVaQkxpJUVFxdVFKb0tJM0JOcU9WaHRhMHdqczVqb0l5

But \N is missing and it consider \n as new Character while Writing the value in TokenCode.

When i pass the Variable ${TokenCode(7)} in the value , Below is the response

“identifier”: “accountToken”,
“value”: “WXdSdFl0SkF1NTB2SkMvYXNXNHVaQkx2cUpJUVFxdVFKb0tJM0JOcU9WaHRhMHdqczVqb0l5

and the request fails as |N is missing and considered as new Line.

Any help is highly appreciated.


If your \n is not supposed to mean “new line”, it means that your JSON is wrong and the backslash should be escaped: “\n”.