Json value extraction between arrays

Hi Sebastien,

Could you please look whether you can help me on this.
I need to extract batchId based on the Error Text.
something like this $…DetailRecord[?(@.ErrorCode==“0”)].BatchID should give 0000110219

I tried multiple combinations in jsonPath herokuapp but couldn’t crack it.

I tried the child filters but the two values are in different arrays.

below is the Json response

“DTResponse”: {
“Header”: {
“CommonHeader”: {
“BatchID”: “0000110219”,
“CorrelationId”: “”,
“Destination”: “ABC”,
“ExternalReferenceId”: “”,
“MessageCreationTimestamp”: “”,
“Source”: “”,
“TransactionType”: “”
“ASDFDSF”: “1234”
“DataArea”: {
“ErrorCode”: “0”,
“ErrorText”: “Success”

Thanks in advance
