JsonPath filtering


I am trying to use filtering expression without success.
Regarding this online tester : http://www.jsonquerytool.com/ It should work, but it’s not the case. Either Gatling found nothing or it throws an extract error.

I tried som filtered expressions which works with the online tool but not with gatling :

$…changes…[?(@.selectmode)]…id => “1012”

$…[?(@.selectmode)]…id => “1012”

$…[?(@.selectmode)].id => “1012” (message de gatling: could not extract : string matching regex [$_\p{L}][$_\-\d\p{L}]*' expected but [’ found)

$…*[?(@.selectmode)].id => “1012” (message de gatling: found nothing)

$…*[?(@.selectmode)]…id => “1012”

$.[?(@.selectmode)]…id => “1012”

$…changes[?(@[2][1].selectmode)][2][1].id => “1012”

To avoid extract errors, I must put a star in front of the filter expression.

To go further, from the goessner spec, @ match the current object. So I think I can use it to select an item from an array like this :
$…*[?(@[0]==‘rows’)]…key => [191, 192, 193, …, 209]

It does works with the online tool, but not with gatling.

Does somebody can help me to deal with gatling jsonpath filters ?



https://github.com/gatling/jsonpath/blob/master/src/main/scala/io/gatling/jsonpath/Parser.scala#L166 :slight_smile:

2 things:

  • The “spec” from Goessner is sadly incomplete and sometimes vague. It would be great to have a real spec driven by the W3C, as there’s a lot of interest and implementations in the wild for such “XPath for JSON”. Keep in mind that it’s just a short blog post from 2007.

  • Even Goessner’s own implementation is completely broken and can’t be trusted, see below
    Regarding, your samples, I agree they should all work (fix is on the way), BUT the 6th one.

$.[?(@.selectmode)]…id shouldn’t return “1012” as root doesn’t have a direct child that has a selectmode field.


I appreciate your Job Stéphane, keep going.

I just tested the master v0.6.5-SNAPSHOT this morning.
Firstly, I had to build it with scalaVersion := “2.11.7” in build.sbt (I use gatling 2.2.0-M3)

I confirm jsonPath("$…changes…*[?(@.key)].key").findAll and jsonPath("$…changes…[?(@.key)].key").findAll now works and retrieve an array of keys.

But i tried this : jsonPath("$…changes…*[?(@.selectmode)]…id").find(1) and the parser found nothing. I have to use findAll to find the unique result. Is this behaviour expected ?

Moreover, I have a question about ofType() : I use it to filter the results. Currently, jsonPath("$…changes…*[?(@.key)].key").ofType[Int] don’t return key values of type String, only values of type Int. Is this a feature I can rely on ?

Ok, my mistake, find(1) return the second result not the first one.

Moreover, I have a question about ofType() : I use it to filter the results.

ofType applies downstream of the path, so you can filter with it, but it will only apply to the JsonPath output.