jsonpath issues

I have a json payload from which I am trying to extract a couple pieces of into. No matter what I try I cannot seem to get the jsonpath syntax right, although I have very similar json from which I am able to successfully extract date. However, the json below yields no results. I even tried it on the jsontest and while using the Flow libs I could get to the info without issue, but when using the Goessner libs I get nothing but errors. I am trying to get the hcfId and the userId from the second node in the list. I am sure that :

$[1][1].hcfId should return the value of 10043 but instead I get an error. I have verified that the json is well formed using the companion website. What am I doing wrong?

Lastly, which version of the jsonpath lib is being used by 2.2.1 snapshot?


“hcfName”:“DEMO HCF OUS”,
“userName”:“HCA, DEMO “,
“hcfName”:“DEMO HCF US”,
“userName”:“HCA, DEMO “,

jsonpath below should be $[1][1]hcfId (no period). I was trying different things but nothing works. The error message I am seeing is this:

jsonPath($[1][1]hcfId).find(0).exists failed, could not extrac 1 (100.0%)
t: could not extract : [?(' expected but h’ found

I have verified that the json is well formed using the companion website.