Load testing Socket IO with Gatling

I wrote a blog post about Gatling and SocketIO communication. I thought that this would be useful for other people trying to test SocketIO client/server communication. Gatling supports WebSocket connect, close and send but SocketIO which is built on top of WebSockets requires some extra work. The blog presents how to properly connect, send messages and disconnect.

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Thanks a lot for writing this up and sharing!

I’ll try to have a look today.


Hi everybody!

As I continue working in a project with Gatling and socketIO, I have to work with a server using a MessagePack binary format. I would like to share with you again my findings. Please take a look at my second post about Gatling and Socket IO:

Load testing Socket.IO servers using msgpack-parser with Gatling

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback.


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