Looping and saving values from a json response and reusing the values in next request


I have a case where I my JSON response body consists of the following:


“resultCode”: “SUCCESS”,
“errorCode”: null,
“errorMessage”: null,
“membershipCoupons”: [
“membershipId”: “136134567”,
“coupons”: [
“offerId”: “000C2977456”,
“description”: "PRODUCT_1 ",
“graphics”: [
“width”: 400,
“height”: 200,
“quality”: “Low”,
“url”: “\n http://www.mearsk.dk:8080/02_201442_005/000C2977456Low.jpg
“width”: 900,
“height”: 600,
“quality”: “Hight”,
“url”: “\n http://www.mearsk.dk:8080/02_201442_005/000C2977456High.jpg
“endTime”: 1417305600000,
“activationDate”: 1416244318947,
“redemption”: null
“membershipId”: “810456459”,
“coupons”: [
“offerId”: “000C297765971E23432”,
“description”: "PRODUCT_2 ",
“graphics”: [
“width”: 400,
“height”: 200,
“quality”: “Low”,
“url”: “\n http://www.maersk.dk:8080/02_201442_005/000C297765971E23432Low.jpg
“width”: 900,
“height”: 600,
“quality”: “Hight”,
“url”: “\n http://www.maersk.dk:8080/02_201442_005/000C297765971E23432High.jpg
“endTime”: 1417305600000,
“activationDate”: null,
“redemption”: null
“offerId”: “000C29776FR5456065F7”,
“description”: "PRODUCT_3 ",
“graphics”: [
“width”: 400,
“height”: 200,
“quality”: “Low”,
“url”: “\n http://www.mearsk.dk:8080/02_201442_005/000C29776FR5456065F7Low.jpg
“width”: 900,
“height”: 600,
“quality”: “Hight”,
“url”: “\n http://www.mearsk.dk:8080/02_201442_005/000C29776FR5456065F7High.jpg
“endTime”: 1417305600000,
“activationDate”: null,
“redemption”: null



I want to collect all ‘offerId’s’ from the getCouponList and use them in the next request (activateCoupon). In this concrete example that is two offerId’s.

This code is now working for one (the first ‘activationDate=null’ it finds), but I want to expand this functionality to save all offerId’s where activationDate=null at once.

I guess in pseudo-code this will be:

  1. getCouponlist() and while there are coupons left in the json response with activationDate=null - save them to be reused
  2. Use the saved list form 1) and repeat the activateCoupon() until the list is empty
    Maybe something like:


while (offerId != null) repeat the saving of offerIds.

Here is the simulation code:


package dk.maersk

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class AppSimulation extends Simulation {

val httpConf = http
.headers(Map(“Content-Type” → “application/json”, “charset” → “UTF-8”, “User-Agent” → “Android(4.4)/Maersk(0.4)/0.1”))

val scn = scenario(“Scenario”)


.header( “X-Token”, “${memberID}” )

.header(“X-Token”, “${memberID}”)

.header(“X-Token”, “${memberID}”)

setUp(scn.inject(rampUsersPerSec(1) to(100) during (5 minutes))).maxDuration(7 minutes).protocols(httpConf)


My request body looks like this:

{“offerId”: “${offerId}”, “membershipId”: “${memberID}”, “osName”: “Android”, “osVersion”: “4.4”}


and I have a .csv file with memberId’s.

So how would i traverse the json response and saving offerIds for reuse in the subsequent request as long as there is elements in the json body with activtatioDate = null ?

Hi Magnus,

Here’s what we do, for a similar situation (please forgive the lisp-inspired indentation):

val scn = scenario("Seekrit Scenario 1")
  .during(duration.minutes) {
      .exec(_.set("itemList", Seq.empty[Int]))
      .exec(http("Get list of items")
      .foreach ("${itemList}", "item") {
        exec(http("Get individual item")

Hope this helps!

The reason for setting the empty itemList on start is to avoid an error if the .optional part of the save fails.


The key part to notice is “.findAll” which will select multiple values and store them in a Vector. :slight_smile:

So I need to use ‘findAll’ and put all the values into a Vector.
The problem I then observed is that I use a request-body in my next request and I need to refer each item (from the Vector) in the request-body looking like this:

{“offerId”: “${offerId}”, “membershipId”: “${memberID}”, “osName”: “Android”, “osVersion”: “4.4”}


How can i do that?

My updated simulation code (based on your tips) will probably be like the following:


class testSimulation extends Simulation {

val httpConf = http
.headers(Map(“Content-Type” → “application/json”, “charset” → “UTF-8”, “User-Agent” → “Android(4.4)/Maersk(0.4)/0.1”))

val scn = scenario(“Scenario”)
.exec(_.set(“itemList”, Seq.empty[Int]))
.header(“X-Token”, “1361300123”)

.foreach("${itemList}", “item”)
.header(“X-Token”, “1361300123”)
setUp(scn.inject(rampUsersPerSec(1) to (50) during(1 minutes)).protocols(httpConf))


Thanks for great help so far guys!


I’m a bit hazy on the question. But I will say this: You do not use “item” in your foreach loop. The only thing that will vary in your session while you loop will be that, so you will need to make sure that your ELFileBody is referencing it. If you need to get more than one value, it is a little more work. Or, if you need to compose one request from all of the values in the vector, you need to do some Scala logic.

Ok, I decided to exclude the use of request body an just use a regular StringBody like this:


.header(“X-Token”, “${memberID}”)

.foreach("${itemList}", “item”){
.header(“X-Token”, “${memberID}”)
.body(StringBody("""{“offerId”: “${item}”, “membershipId”: “${memberID}”, “osName”: “Android”, “osVersion”: “4.4”}""")).asJSON


Would this work as is? Can I just say ${item} and just refer to the next item in the Vector?


Is there an easy way to print the Vector to console?
As in using something like this:


.exec(session2 => {


Did you give it a try?

It worked, cheers!

Of course it did! :slight_smile:



Using the ‘optional’ like this:



gives me the error:

21:29:39.525 [ERROR] i.g.c.s.LoopBlock$ - Condition evaluation crashed with message 'Can't cast value 000C297765971EE495BE0BA921A2E5F7 of type class java.lang.String into interface scala.collection.Seq', exiting loop

But if I say



It picks up all that values with ‘activationDate==null’ as expected.

Why should I use:




And, there could be cases where my JSON response actually has no items with activationDate=null i.e. like this:


“resultCode”: “SUCCESS”,
“errorCode”: null,
“errorMessage”: null,
“membershipCoupons”: [
“membershipId”: “136134567”,
“coupons”: [
“offerId”: “000C2977456”,
“description”: "PRODUCT_1 ",
“graphics”: [
“width”: 400,
“height”: 200,
“quality”: “Low”,
“url”: “\n http://www.mearsk.dk:8080/02_201442_005/000C2977456Low.jpg
“width”: 900,
“height”: 600,
“quality”: “Hight”,
“url”: “\n http://www.mearsk.dk:8080/02_201442_005/000C2977456High.jpg
“endTime”: 1417305600000,
“activationDate”: 1416244318947,
“redemption”: null
“membershipId”: “810456459”,
“coupons”: [
“offerId”: “000C297765971E23432”,
“description”: "PRODUCT_2 ",
“graphics”: [
“width”: 400,
“height”: 200,
“quality”: “Low”,
“url”: “\n http://www.maersk.dk:8080/02_201442_005/000C297765971E23432Low.jpg
“width”: 900,
“height”: 600,
“quality”: “Hight”,
“url”: “\n http://www.maersk.dk:8080/02_201442_005/000C297765971E23432High.jpg
“endTime”: 1417305600000,
“activationDate”: 1416244318947,
“redemption”: null
“offerId”: “000C29776FR5456065F7”,
“description”: "PRODUCT_3 ",
“graphics”: [
“width”: 400,
“height”: 200,
“quality”: “Low”,
“url”: “\n http://www.mearsk.dk:8080/02_201442_005/000C29776FR5456065F7Low.jpg
“width”: 900,
“height”: 600,
“quality”: “Hight”,
“url”: “\n http://www.mearsk.dk:8080/02_201442_005/000C29776FR5456065F7High.jpg
“endTime”: 1417305600000,
“activationDate”: 1416244318947,
“redemption”: null



If I then run my simulation with this:


.header(“X-Token”, “${memberID}”)

.foreach("${itemList}", “item”){
.header(“X-Token”, “${memberID}”)
.body(StringBody("""{“offerId”: “${item}”, “membershipId”: “${memberID}”, “osName”: “Android”, “osVersion”: “4.4”}""")).asJSON


I get the error:

jsonPath($.membershipCoupons[*].coupons[?(@.activationDate==null)].offerId).findAll.exists, found nothing


Is there wa way to not get his error? I want to check that the .check(jsonPath("$.membershipCoupons[*].coupons[?(@.activationDate==null)].offerId").findAll.saveAs(“itemList”)))



.header(“X-Token”, “${memberID}”)


does not try to save the values it there are no activationDate==null like setting som condition before the saveAs, maybe in pseudocode:

if .check(jsonPath("$.membershipCoupons[].coupons[?(@.activationDate==null)].offerId") is not null
skip this exec (without error)

See note: http://gatling.io/docs/2.0.3/http/http_check.html#extracting

It seems this works:



At least I do not get any errors in my report now, but I have ‘used-up’ all my testdata so I cannot confirm for sure until I have tested against json responses with activationDate==null and some json responses with all ‘activateionDate’ s set to a value.

I should search for the forum more before asking questions next time :slight_smile:

But now the problem is that it continuous to run the next .exec even if I say: exitHereIfFailed

I might need a if-check to check if the item list is notEmpty before ‘exec(http(“activateCoupon”)…’ else I would not perform the ‘activate’ Any tips?


.header(“X-Token”, “${memberID}”)

.foreach("${itemList}", “item”){
.header(“X-Token”, “${memberID}”)
.body(StringBody("""{“offerId”: “${item}”, “membershipId”: “${memberID}”, “osName”: “Android”, “osVersion”: “4.4”}""")).asJSON


You’ve got it. By using optional, it doesn’t fail. Before you do the request, set the list to empty. Then do the request/check, then do an “if” to make sure there is work to do.

Setting up an if-check is obviously not that easy for me :slight_smile:

I have tried this:


.header(“X-Token”, “${memberID}”)


.foreach("${itemList}", “item”){
.header(“X-Token”, “${memberID}”)
.body(StringBody("""{“offerId”: “${item}”, “membershipId”: “${memberID}”, “osName”: “Android”, “osVersion”: “4.4”}""")).asJSON


But it fails.

Any tips?

You can use transformOption so you can transform the extracted value before applying the validation step.

.transformOption {
case None => Some(Nil) // couldn’t extract anything, replacing with an empty list
case someNEL => someNEL