Multiple doIf() clauses, or how to check a boolean value in a doIf()

Hi all

I’m trying to chain two requests together, so that the second request depending on two values from the first request:

val UserSelect = exec(.set(“userId”, “0”))
.get("/" + Properties.INSTANCE + “/system/users?uid=${userId}”)
.contains(“itemId”)) {
.post("/" + Properties.INSTANCE + “/system/more?id=${itemId}”)
.header(“Content-Length”, “0”))

In the above snippet, the 2nd request will fire depending on the " .doIf(_.contains(“itemId”)" line.

I would like to extend that, so that the doIf checks the itemId and the boolean value of the isFlagged variable, essentially

.doIf(_.contains(“itemId”) && isFlagged=true)

Is there a way to do that?


Have you tried chaining them?

.doIf(first Condition).doIf (Second Condition)

Also you can set a boolean value in session variable based on both the conditions and use that in .doIf.

I tried chaining them like this:

.doIf(_.contains(“itemId”)).doIf("${isFlagged}", “true”) {

which seemed to be OK from the Gatling documentation, but it seems to be a syntax error.

I guess I could set another variable in the session, but I was hoping there would be a simple way to chain the conditions.

I don’t have any elegant solution. You can also try .


doIf(Condition 1){
doIf(condtion 2) {


Thanks - this approach is working!

// => so isFlagged is a boolean and not a String (if it’s indeed a boolean value in JSON format)
// dontValidate is deprecated, use optional instead


Then you can simply write doIf("${isFlagged}")

Is there a way to do more than a simple string comparison? We have a need to be able to do something like an OR in a test. Also, an ability to match/compare against integers.

I’m guessing it must be possible to get some Scala to do it, but we’re not having any luck.


Yep, easy.
But please provide an example of what you’re trying to do :slight_smile:

OK, using my original example:

val UserSelect = exec(.set(“userId”, “0”))
.get("/" + Properties.INSTANCE + “/system/users?uid=${userId}”)
.contains(“isFlagged”) OR ${itemCount} < 9) {
.post("/" + Properties.INSTANCE + “/system/more?id=${itemId}”)
.header(“Content-Length”, “0”))

Essentially, I want to be able to do something like this:

.doIf(_.contains(“isFlagged”) OR ${itemCount} < 9) {


.doIf(_.contains("isFlagged") OR ${itemCount} < 9) {

You can't use Gatling EL (which is based on parsed Strings, you can't write
${} in the middle of nowhere).
Please have a look at the documentation:

What you want is:

Assuming itemCount is always defined, like injected from a feeder:
doIf(session => session.contains("isFlagged") ||
session("itemCount").as[Int] < 9) {

Otherwise, the clause evaluation will crash and hurt performance, so this
is better:

doIf(session => session("itemCount").validate[Int].map(count => count < 9
&& session.contains("isFlagged"))) {

Thanks - I’ll give that a try. (My example wasn’t meant to be implemented, I was simply trying to show which variables I needed to compare!)


Here it is trying to check both VIES and ALL… I want to execute statement if any one of this is true.

.doIf(session => session(“sFunctionality”).as[String].equals(“VIES”) || session(“sFunctionality”).as[String].equals(All))