Need help in passing data from one block of code to another in same class -- Please help

Hi ,

I’m new to Gatling and i started using gatling from the past one week.
Started writing the script for my app. Below is the code snippet.
I’m considering 1.user 2.signIn 3.rmIdfetch as 3 blocks
I want to capture the response data from user (first block) and want to use it as part of header in the signIn (Second block) – which i’m failing to do
Firstblock is executing successfully and able to capture the data into the variables. When i attempt to pass the captured data to the Second block it is failing.
Please help me in resolving the issue, i’m not sure what is wrong in my code.

**import** io.gatling.core.Predef._
**import** io.gatling.core.scenario.Simulation
**import** io.gatling.http.Predef._
**import** scala.concurrent.duration._
**class** Sample **extends** Simulation {

  **var** *randomNumber* = 1000
  **var** *randomUser* = <b>""
  </b>**val** *durationSeconds* = 1
  **var** *userNumber* = 0

  **val** *AddReview* = *scenario*(**"addrev"**)

      .post(**"https://accounts- users/"**)
      .headers(*Map*(**"offeringId"** -> **"App.apd.ito"**,
        **"Authorization"** -> **"App_IAM_Authentication app_appid=App.apd.ito,app_app_secret=xyz"**,
        **"app_originatingip"** -> **""**))
      .check(*jsonPath*(**"$.userId"**) .saveAs(**"usrid"**))
  .exec(session => {


      .headers(*Map*(**"app_offeringId"** -> **"App.apd.ito"**,
        **"Authorization"** -> **"App_IAM_Authentication app_appid=App.apd.ito,app_app_secret=xyz"**,
        **"app_originatingip"** -> **""**))
      .body(*StringBody*(**"""{"username" : "${p_username}","password" : "test123"}"""**)).asJSON

      .headers(*Map*(**"app_offeringId"** -> **"App.apd.ito"**,
        **"Authorization"** -> **"App_IAM_Authentication app_appid=App.apd.ito,app_app_secret=xyz,app_token_type=IAM-Ticket,app_token=${p_token},app_userid=${usrid}"**,
        **"app_originatingip"** -> **""**))
    .exec(session => {




    *AddReview*.inject(rampUsers(1) over(1 seconds))


Answer is here for the same post -

Thank you, found out that the issue was with endpoint URL. after fixing that it start working