I have the following code:
val feeder = csv(“uri.csv”).random
val scn = scenario(“Post query”)
.repeat(2) {
.exec(session => {
println("Session*${code} "+session(“code”).as[String])
When I dump out the string, I get the following output: Session*${code} 211122. Why is the EL variable ${code} not being evaluated properly – is it that EL variables are only interpreted by gatling functions?
The deeper reason behind the toy example above is that I am trying to inject a variable from a feeder into a POST method with JSON parameter. As the JSON is huge, I’m trying to do the following (build_query is a function which takes a string and plops it at the right place):
http(“post code”)
and just as in the simple case above, ${code} seems to not be bound (but unlike the toy example I don’t have a session parameter in scope either…
Any tips/pointers greatly appreciated…
Gatling version is 2.0.0-M3