Not able to push gatling statistics via graphite to Influx DB when using Multiple nodes (distributed setup)

Hi Team,

I am currently using the distributed setup of gatling v2.3 where I am trying to generate load from 4 different load generator machines, I use Jenkins / Jenkins pipeline to trigger the load from all 4 nodes.
I am trying to monitor the current rate via grafana, but when I am trying to push the gatling statistics from 4 nodes I just see the results from only 1 node, and rest 3 nodes data is not seen.

The same is working perfectly fine when I am running with 1 node.

Is there any constraint / something in the gatling configuration that I am missing here. Please help me to fix this issue I am stuck with this since couple of days, I dint find any similar issues on the web.


Keep influxDB, Grafana and your injectors separate injectors and try to execute the same. As it seems, you are bringing up influx DB or Grafana or injectors not in sequence that it should be.

Hello, what is some solution to this problem?