Hi all,
I’ve been busting my brain for a while solving the following issue. Hopefully someone can help me.
I am posting a get request to an API which results in the following response body (JSON see below). I want to use this response body and post it to another API (API → JSON → API). The catch is that the data key must be removed from the body, before I can post the actual JSON message.
Example Json (a snippet from the response body from 1st API)
"data": [{
“price”: {
“NewPrice”: 1
“shipping”: [{
“Newprice”: 2
I’ve implemented Jsonpath and seems to be a solution but it wraps the JSON as an array [ … ] and therefore can not use it for posting to the second API.
I’ve tried transformResponse and use stripPrefix and stripSuffix to remove the data key. But ran into the issue that I the response is a string not a bytearray.
I’ve tried to use a regex (can’t get it to work). Any ideas on that?
Code snippet of one of the million attempts
package my.gatling
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class OfferApiSimulationTest extends Simulation {
val csvFile = “urls.csv” // CSV input file
val secondApiUrl = “2nd.api.url” //
val run = true
val userUrls = csv(csvFile).circular // queue, shuffle, random, circular
val scn = scenario(“Running OfferApiSimulation”).doIf(run == true) // .repeat(10) // repeat the Simulation a number of times
during(60 seconds) {
// .transformResponse {
// case response if response.isReceived =>
// println("*** creating ResponseWrapper")
// new ResponseWrapper(response) {
// val replace : String = response.body.string.stripPrefix("{“data”:[").stripSuffix("]}")
// override var replace = response.body.string.stripPrefix("{“data”:[").stripSuffix("]}")
// }
//}.check(regex(".*").findAll saveAs(“newBody”))
http(“Next API call”)
.header(“Accept”, “application/json”)
.header(“Content-Type”, “application/json”)
setUp(scn.inject(rampUsers(10) over (60 seconds)))